Level 2 Makaton Training
Weekend Course- 2 days (3.5-4hrs each day)
Available spots
Service Description
The online training is a combination of practical sessions and presentations delivered by a Licensed Makaton Tutor in a virtual ZOOM platform. Please see the 'Training/Services' webpage for a fuller Level 2 description. Your tutor will send out a ZOOM link prior to the meeting along with additional information. You need to provide your address so that the Participant’s Manual can be posted to you. The training is completed in real time. By booking this course, you are consenting to your personal information being used for administration and data protection. We may use screen images of our online training for promotional purposes.
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or re-schedule, please contact me at least 24hrs before training to makatontrainingwithdenise@gmail.com If rescheduling, please have look on my website for alternative dates- www.makatontrainingwithdenise.com If cancelling, please know that your Particpant's Manual will have to be returned.
Contact Details